The Mayor of Hillingdon and Skipping Sikh Visit GNSMAT
On Friday 3rd December we had special guests visit Guru Nanak Sikh Multi Academy Trust.
The Mayor of Hillingdon Cllr Roy Chamdal, Mayoress Reeta Chamdal and Cllr Susan O'Brien visited our Academy along with Rajinder Singh (Skipping Sikh) to speak to our students/pupils about the benefits of healthy living, exercise and doing Seva (selfless service) for the community.
After an assembly led by our students, the Mayor spent some time speaking with our students about their education and future ambitions and aspirations, Skipping Sikh and his wife Hula Hoop Kaur participated in outdoor activities with our pupils in GNSA Primary and Nanaksar Primary. The pupils were very excited to meet Skipping Sikh and thoroughly enjoyed the whole experience.